
4323Systematic knowledge in various areas of the tourism business industry which support international tourismAbility to discover and solve problems in the tourism industryObjective analytical skills using ICT and data from the tourism industryPerspectives on business and management in a global societyCross-cultural understanding, service and communication skillsAbility to think about regional tourism in Hokkaido and to develop new tourism businessesSelect one from three courses “ International Communication Course ”,“ Cultural Affairs Course ”, and “ Multicultural and Multilingual Studies Course ”Acquire practical skills through fieldworks, internships, and volunteering in and out of JapanGain a global perspective and explore the meanings of multicultural coexistence, whilst learning about Hokkaido's culture, history, and abundant resourcesUnderstand global issues and aim for the development of a sustainable societyIntroduction to Faculties, Departments, and Majors.Improve the business skills of Tourism. With hospitality as the motto! We aim to disseminate the charm of Hokkaido to the world by cultivating the ability to plan, propose, and execute the business of tourism!Faculty of TourismDepartment of Tourism BusinessDepartment FeaturesOn top of learning about the basis of the tourism fields such as travel, accommodation and aviation, students will hone their business and management skills, to adapt to development of the international tourism business. The course features a comprehensive and practical learning environment provided through a variety of classes, fieldwork and internships. The department also focuses on the development of international human resources.What Will You Learn?123456Faculty of HumanitiesDepartment of Liberal Arts and Global StudiesDepartment FeaturesThe Department of Liberal Arts and Global Studies provides an education in the fundamentals of humanities such as history, culture and language, from a global perspective and through hands-on experience in the real world. By stepping out of university and interacting with a diverse range of people in society, students will improve their communication skills and acquire the solidability to live independently.What Will You Learn?1

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