
The predecessor to Sapporo International University, Sapporo Seishu Junior College, was established in 1969 with two departments; Home Economics and Preschool Education. Sapporo International University has since developed into a university with three faculties, five departments, and a graduate school. Sapporo International University Junior College also has two departments. Our students learn practical skills needed for a diverse range of social situations.Faculty of TourismFaculty of Sports and Human StudiesDepartment of Tourism BusinessDepartment of Sports InstructionDepartment of Liberal Arts and Global StudiesDepartment of Sports BusinessDepartment of Human Developmentand Career StudiesSports and Health Instruc-tion, Graduate School of Sports and Health InstructionFaculty of HumanitiesDepartment of Psychology Clinical Psychology ProgramSapporo International University Junior CollegeSapporo International University Graduate SchoolSapporo International University is located in a quiet residential area about 25 minutes from central Sapporo by bus or subway. New Chitose Airport can also be reached in about one hour, making it a very convenient location for international students.Check out our campus in videos!Aerial view of the campusDepartment of PsychologyChild Psychology ProgramDepartment of Early Childhood EducationClinical Psychology, Graduate School of Psychologyand ChildcareTourism, Graduate School of TourismAerial view of the campus (winter)Faculty & DepartmentSapporo International UniversitySelf reliance Freedom and Self-reflection: Fostering students to think, to take action, and to reflect individuallyDiverse individuals come together at Sapporo International University; as a result, you can obtain a well-rounded education. We aim to foster “People with great social skills”. We foster the ability of students to acquire a rich international perspective, to become more deeply rooted in the local community, and to support the future.BackgroundAccess

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