Entrance Fee & Tuition Reducation System for Self-funded International Students

Since 2018, Sapporo international University's tuition fee exemption policy for self-funded international students has been established. The policy is called "Fee Exemption for International Students" in short. This tuition fee exemption policy will be applied to all self-funded international students who fulfill certain requirements. In addition, high-achieving students may be granted an additional fee exemption called "Special Fee Exemption". However, graduate school students are not subject to "Special Fee Exemption".

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Fee Exemption for International Students


This fee exemption is applicable for those who are going to enroll in or currently studying at our university's regular course. In addition, those who apply for this exemption must have valid study visa or must be possible to obtain study visa in Japan. Candidates who are eligible for the exemption will be selected by the university following these conditions: whether it is difficult for candidates to continue studying at our university for economic reasons, or whether it is admitted for candidates to aspiringly study hard by university.

2.Number of Grantees and Exemption Rate

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Special Fee Exemption for "Undergraduate Student Category Ⅰ
& Undergraduate Student Category Ⅱ"


Special fee exemption for "Undergraduate Student Category I" and for "Undergraduate Student Category II" is applicable for those who are going to enroll in or currently studying at our university's regular course. The candidates who are eligible for the exemption will be selected by the university according to their score of the following subjects ofExamination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU): Japanese as a foreign language (Reading Comprehension, Listening, Listening - Reading Comprehension), Writing Section for Japanese as a Foreign Language and Japan and the World . Also, the score of Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), other proficiency test score (TOEFL, TOEIC etc.) and our original interview exam are also evaluated. We put our original evaluation point on each subject's score, and candidates who got the highest point can apply for the special fee exemption. Period of fee exemption is for 1 year, and we do the selection of candidates every year.

2.Number of Grantees and Exemption Rate

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Entrance fee and Tuition Comparison

Comparison among regular student's entrance fee and tuition, those with fee exemption for international students, and those with special fee exemption for Undergraduate Student Category Ⅰ & Undergraduate Student Category Ⅱ.

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Entrance Fee and Tuition for Graduate School

Exemption of entrance fee and tuition is available for international students who are going to enroll in or currently studying at our graduate school. Those who apply for this exemption must have a valid student visa or able to obtain one. Students who meet the following criteria will be considered for selection: students with financial and/or students who are highly motivated to complete the program.

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